In 2001 the conversion to "Tutto Biologico" process, highlighted the necessity of a more intense analytical control of external and internal wastewater. All biological processes require more attentions over a major number of parameters regarding the influent and effluent streams of each depuration stage. This is necessary in order to ensure the maximum efficiency and the right vitality of the activated sludge within the basins. The equilibrium between the various coexisting microbial consortia, distributed in differents stages, plays a determining role for the whole treatment process efficiency. All analytical protocols have been reviewed and the number of parameters have been increased as well as the sampling frequencies, this, specially for the purpose to obtain the optimum microbial acitvity.
To deal with all these new analitycal needs, in 2010 a new internal analytical laboatory was opened, larger than the old one and provided with modern instruments and premises.