Consorzio Aquarno has participated to several research projects, demonstrating a constant commitment to the implementation of the most modern technologies, in order to improve the performances of treatment processes and giving as much benefits as possible to the community, at the same time. The past and present researches are mainly focused on the following themes:
Unpleasant odours and biological agents
- November 1989 - December 1990
Problematiche relative a contenuto, tipo, tossicità ed odorosità di composti organici negli effluenti gassosi - (C.R.I.T.A. - Centro Ricerca Industriale Tecnologica Avanzata)
- November 2001 - December 2002
Studio di strategie per il miglioramento delle condizioni igienico sanitarie degli addetti alla depurazione acque relativamente alla protezione da agenti biologici. (BIOnet626) Funded by Art.14 DM 593/00 bando 2002
Optimization of wastewater treatment process
A lot of resources and efforts have been dedicated to this theme, due to typology of investigated processes and their relevance. Consorzio Aquarno has always had a particular interest in optimizing its wastewater treatment process, starting from the study of the best control system, to the structural interventions on the treatment sections. The main target, investigated through the majority of done researches, has been the reduction of excess sludges production, furthermore, other aspects have been considered. Here below are listed the accomplished researches about these themes:
- December 2004 - January 2005
Experimentation and evaluation of ozonolysis for the reduction of biological excess sludges
- December 2004 - December 2005
Nuove metodologie per l’ottimizzazione e la riduzione del carico inquinante organico delle acque di scarico di un impianto consortile che tratta reflui civili e provenienti da industrie del settore conciario (MiUR project- Funded con Art.14 DM 593/00)
- December 2005 - December 2008
Controllo di processo di un impianto di depurazione industriale che tratta reflui conciari, nell’ottica di un efficace abbattimento delle sostanze inquinanti e di una riduzione dell’impatto ambientale (MiUR project- Funded con Art.14 DM 593/00)
- November 2011 - November 2012
Individuazione di metodologie innovative per la messa a punto di un nuovo assetto di processo di depurazione di acque reflue conciarie, ad elevata efficienza di abbattimento del carico organico e a basso impatto ambientale (MiUR project- Funded con Art.14 DM 593/00)
- November 2011 - November 2013
Messa a punto di un nuovo assetto di processo nella depurazione di acque reflue conciarie, con l’adozione di processi maggiormente ecosostenibili rispetto al trattamento chimico-fisico terziario (MiUR project- Funded con Art.14 DM 593/00)
- July 2012 – December 2015
Recupero di Materia ed Energia da Fanghi Conciari (Matter & Energy from TAnnery sludges)
Sito Internet del progetto : Progetto M.E.TA.
(Co-funded by Regione Toscana - BANDO UNICO R&S ANNO 2012, POR CReO FESR 2007–2013)
Wastewater recovery and reuse within the tanning process
Tanning process requires huge volumes of water, but only a small rate is consumed, while the majority is discharged as tannery wastewater.
Nowadays, almost the total amount of water consumed by tanneries is groundwater, which is withdrawn by each industry from private wells and, then, treated in-situ to reach the quality standards required by the specific tanning process.
Consorzio Aquarno, with the collaboration of Po.Te.Co., Tannery Associations and industries, has progressively increased its concern and commitment to find alternative solutions to the groundwater withdrawal.
Consorzio Aquarno has promoted many initiatives about the research and the development of a process liable to recover wastewater for the purpose of their reuse within the tanning process. This theme is one of the main points of the Accordo di Programma Quadro signed between the Italian Ministry of Environment (M.A.T.T.M.), Regione Toscana and municipalities of the Tuscan Leather District.
No distinctions between industrial and civil wastewater have been made at the beginning of these studies, nevertheless civil one has given better results both for the depuration process and for the final qualities of hides treated with the recycled wastewater. Here down are listed the main research activities concluded over past years:
- December 2005 - December 2007
Recupero di acque reflue ai fini di un riutilizzo all’interno del ciclo produttivo (Funded by Art.14 DM 593/00)
- January 2005 - December 2009
Fining of civil wastewater with different technologies (MBR, UF, NF, ED) for the purpose of their recovery and reuse within the tannery process (four thesis works of Chemical Engineering)
- June 2009 - December 2009
Comparison between four different MBR plants suppliers, to evaluate the substitution of the second CAS biological stage within the industrial section.
- September 2009 - September 2012
Riduzione del prelievo in acqua del ciclo conciario attraverso sistemi innovativi di trattamento e riciclo delle acque reflue civili mediante biotecnologie a membrane (Funded by Stazione Sperimentale dell’Industria delle Pelli e delle Materie Concianti)
- January 2010 - January 2012
CLEARH2O - Approccio integrato e multivariato al trattamento di acque reflue civili ed industriali e scenari di riutilizzo delle acque
(Co-funded by Regione Toscana - BANDO ERA-SME 2009 - II Edizione)