
Portuguese delegation at Aquarno

Visit to Aquarno for the Portuguese delegation of Alcanena, Municipality of Santarém, Portugal Central District, with the heads of the local sewage treatment plant consortium Austra came to Tuscany to learn about the industrial organization of the Tuscan tanning district. He was welcomed by the president and the director Assoconciatori, Franco Donati and Piero Maccanti, with the mayor of Santa Croce sull'Arno Giulia Deidda, who discussed with the guests on many issues, including that of the liquid and solid waste management process production tanning.

Presents Joaquim Ferreira Marques and Paulo Inacio Jose Louro da Costa, president and member of the Austra purification Consortium, Carlos Fernando Martinho da Conceicao and Maria Luiza Baptista Grilo, the first chief executive officer, the second director of the plant consortium.